Internet Country Codes
Data as of June '95

Explainations etc on bottom.


This politically correct chart was butchered with massive deletions of countries that have codes but just plain are not on the internet. Some countries who are minimumly on the internet have as well been slashed out. All this was done to just decrease load time and selfishly make it easier for someone to find a real internet site's country code.

Country What Code -o|o- Country What Code
Algeria-I--DZ Angola---fAO
Antarctica-I--AQ Antigua & Barbuda-Iu-AG
ArgentinaBIUFAR Armenia-IU-AM
Aruba---fAW Australia-IUFAU
AustriaBIUFAT Azerbaijanb-U-AZ
Bangladesh--U-BD Barbados-Iu-BB
BelarusbIUFBY BelgiumbIUFBE
Belize--U-BZ Bermuda-IUfBM
Bolivia--UFBO Bosnia--u-BA
Botswana--ufBW BrazilBIUFBR
BulgariabIUFBG Burkina Faso--U-BF
Cameroon--UfCM CanadaBIUFCA
ColombiabIu-CO Congo--U-CG
Costa Rica-IufCR Cote d'Ivoire--UfCI
CroatiabIuFHR Cuba--U-CU
CyprusbI-fCY Czech RepublicbIUFCZ
Denmark-IUFDK Dominican Republic-IUfDO
Ecuador-Iu-EC EgyptbIU-EG
Estonia-IUFEE FinlandBIUFFI
FrancebIUFFR Georgia--UFGE
GermanyBIUFDE Ghana--UFGH
GreecebIUFGR Greenland-I--GL
Guam-I-FGU Guatemala--ufGT
Honduras-I--HN Hong KongBI-FHK
HungaryBIUFHU Iceland-IUFIS
IndiabIUFIN Indonesia-IUFID
IranbI--IR IrelandbIUFIE
JapanBIUFJP Kazakhstan-IUFKZ
Kuwait-I--KW Kyrgyz Republic--U-KG
Latvia-IUFLV Lebanon--U-LB
Liechtenstein-I-FLI Lithuania-IUFLT
LuxembourgbIUFLU Macau-I--MO
Macedonia-Iu-MK Madagascar--U-MG
MalaysiabIUFMY Mali--U-ML
Malta--uFMT Mauritius--ufMU
MexicobIuFMX Moldova-IuFMD
Monaco-I--MC Morocco--UfMA
Mozambique-IUfMZ Namibia--U-NA
NetherlandsbIUFNL New Caledonia--U-NC
New Zealand-IUFNZ Nicaragua-Iu-NI
Niger--U-NE Nigeria--UfNG
NorwaybIUFNO Pakistan--U-PK
Panama-IuFPA Peru-IUfPE
Philippines-IuFPH PolandBIUFPL
PortugalbIUFPT Puerto RicobIUFPR
Re'union (French)-Iu-RE RomaniabIuFRO
Russian FederationbIUFRU Saudi ArabiaB---SA
Senegal--UfSN SingaporebIuFSG
Slovakia-IUFSK Slovenia-IUFSI
South Africa-IUFZA SpainBIUFES
Sri Lanka-IU-LK Svalbard & Islands-I--SJ
SwedenBIUFSE SwitzerlandBIUFCH
TaiwanBIuFTW Tajikistan--ufTJ
Thailand-IUFTH Trinidad etc.--U-TT
Tunisia-IUfTN TurkeyBI-FTR
Ukraine-IUFUA United Arab Em.-I--AE
United KingdombIUFGB United StatesBIUFUS
Uruguay-IUFUY Uzbekistan-IUFUZ
Venezuela-IUFVE Vietnam (Socialist)--U-VN
Virgin Ils (U.S.)-I-fVI Yugoslavia (socialists)--ufYU
Zambia-I-fZM Zimbabwe-IufZW

Explainations etc.

In the following, "BITNET" is used generically to refer to BITNET plus similar networks around the world (e.g., EARN, NETNORTH, GULFNET, etc).


Number of entities with international network connectivity = 173
Number of entities without international network connectivity = 65


b = minimal, one to five domestic BITNET sites, 26 entities
B = widespread, more than five domestic BITNET sites, 21 entities

I = operational, accessible from entire open IP Internet, 96 entities

u = minimal, one to five domestic UUCP sites, 61 entities
U = widespread, more than five domestic UUCP sites, 83 entities

f = minimal, one to five domestic FIDONET sites, 31 entities
F = widespread, more than five domestic FIDONET sites, 68 entities

An Entity is a:

For example: