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# for gnu emacs lovers with autoloaded overactive libidos:
# if the funky eval gets added back, please make it the very last item
# before the "# end:".  
# "localvariables:" after it aren't evaluated when one C-g's.
# Version control is exceedingly useful for the aliases file;
# please don't turn it off.	-mib
# Please don't delete the cute hacks.  We like them and they're there
# intentionally.  --friedman
# So there.  Nyaaahhh.  -mib
# Well, they definitely have their own place in this file.. -mew
# Yes, at the end, like all local variables. Hmm...  -mib
# You people are really inane.
# Oh, stop whining.  -mib
# Len's comment about "the" funky eval is a little bit dated, doncha think?
#  -mib
# These are the best local variables we've had yet!  --friedman
# local variables:
# eval: (auto-fill-mode 0)
# eval: (set-syntax-table (copy-syntax-table (syntax-table)))
# eval: (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".")
# compile-command: "/usr/local/etc/checkaliases -a /com/mailer/aliases"
# indent-line-function: indent-relative-maybe
# backup-by-copying: t
# eval: (while (not (y-or-n-p "Eval silly local variables? ")) (progn (message "Invalid response.") (sleep-for 1)))
# eval: (setq bizarre-gratuitous-variable '(miscellaneous gratuitous list))
# eval: (put 'mib-attributes 'twit t)
# eval: (put 'roland-attributes 'red t)
# eval: (put 'can-of-spam 'on-top-of 'nutrimat)
# eval: (if (string= "roland" (user-login-name)) (message "Roland is red."))
# eval: (if (string= "mib" (user-login-name)) (message "Mib is a twit."))
# eval: (if (string= "roland" (user-login-name)) (progn (display-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Roland is permanently red.*")) (setq *orig-kill-buffer* (symbol-function 'kill-buffer)) (defun kill-buffer (arg) (interactive "bKill buffer: ") (let ((killing (if (bufferp arg) arg (get-buffer arg)))) (if (eq killing (get-buffer "*Roland is permanently red.*")) (error "Attempt to delete permanent buffer: %s" killing) (funcall *orig-kill-buffer* arg))))))
# eval: (setq elite-list '(friedman roland mib melissa tower gnulists tami))
# eval: (if (not (memq (intern (user-login-name)) elite-list)) (call-process "csh" nil 0 nil "-c" "if ($?DISPLAY) nohup xv -p /com/mailer/tower.pgm &; exit"))
# eval: (setq gzpl* (current-buffer))
# eval: (if (string= "mib" (user-login-name)) (progn (or (fboundp 'real-newline) (fset 'real-newline (symbol-function 'newline))) (or (fboundp 'flame) (load "flame" t t)) (defun newline (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (prog1 (real-newline arg) (if (eq (current-buffer) gzpl*) (insert "# " (sentence-ify (string-ify (append-suffixes-hack (flatten (*flame))))) " -mib\n"))))))
# end:
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