ROBOTWAR Welcome to the battlefield of the future! It is the year 2002. Wars still rage, but finally, they have been officially declared hazardous to human health. Now, the only warriors are robots - built in secret and programmed to fight each other to the death! Your country has just developed the most efficient battle robot to date. It should be unbeatable - but part of its micro-computer "brain" is still blank. Only when a strategy is programmed into its memory will the robot be able to fight. The task set before you is to program a robot that no other robot can destroy. RobotWar is a fascinating and highly competitive game where robots battle each other to the death! RobotWar is not a game using manual dexterity, instead the robots are controlled by pre-programmed strategies and highly spectator interest. As well as providing hours of entertainment, RobotWar is designed to teach and sharpen the skills of creative computer programming. Whether you are a beginner or an accomplished programmer, RobotWar will prove to be fun and challenging. Robot war players design and write robot programs. The program is written with the help of a text-editor, and then translated by an assembler into robot-understandable instructions. The program can then be tested on a simulated robot to make sure it is working properly. Once the player is assured that the program is running as planned, it is installed in a battle robot and sent out to do battle with the other robots. From the main menu, several options are selectable. These options are described below: Option 1 This will access the Battle branch where the player can setup and execute one robot battle. See "robots and robot battles". Option 2 This will access the robotwar assembler and testing branch where the programs are translated and checked for errors, or tested on a simulated robot. See "the assembler" and "the test bench". Option 3 This will access the text-editor where an existing program can be edited or a new program can be written. See "writing and editing source code". Option 4 This is a simple control that turns the battle sounds on or off. Pressing the 4 key will change the position of the sound switch. Option 5 This will access the disk storage branch where a disk can be initialized for storing robot code. See "storing robots on auxiliary disks". Option 6 This will cause the computer to exit from the robotwar program to applesoft basic. Option 7 This will access the match scheduling branch where the player can schedule and execute a series of battles. See "robots and robot battles". Option 8 This will allow the player to run a previously scheduled or interrupted match (a series of battles). If you resume a previously interrupted match it will begin with the battle after the one which was interrupted. Note: If no option is selected from the main menu, the program will automatically select option 8. Robots and Robot Battles Locomotion Each robot is moved by tracks mounted on a 1.5 meter square chassis. The two independent motors, driving the tracks, enable the robot to move vertically (north/south) and horizontally (east/west). Power Supply The power supply will take the severest damage from the enemy shells. It is built into the central body of the robot, along with damage sensors. These sensors monitor the damage to the power supply and when 100% damage is attained, the robot will explode. Radar On top of the robot is a radar unit that emits a beam in any desired directions. This beam reflects from walls and other robots and returns to the robot. The beam is accurately timed, enabling the robot to find it's position and to spot enemy robots. Guns and Ammunition Your robot is equipped with one gun that swivels through 360 degrees and is automatically loaded. It uses time-fused shells that can be set to explode at any specified distance. The gun also has a cooling period between each shot to keep it from overheating. The Brain Inside the robot is a micro-computer "brain" that executes the instructions exactly as they have been programmed. The brain has several parts: an accumulator where a robot performs all arithmetic operations, a program storage area where the instructions are stored in memory, and registers where numbers are stored. the brain links to input sensors monitoring damage and position as well as to the drive motors, radar, and gun. While the robot is on the battlefield the brain is in complete control! The battlefield Robot battles take place on a square battlefield inside four strong walls. Each wall is 260 meters long and strong enough that a robot cannot crash or shoot through it. As many as five robots can fight at once, but only one will emerge as the winner. There is an observations station, directly above the battlefield, enclosed in blast-proof glass to protect you and the other observers. Damage Robots are eliminated from battle by incurring over 100% damage. When a shell hits a robot or explodes nearby, the robot is damaged. The extent of that damage depends on the proximity of the shell to the robot. A shell exploding directly on top of a robot can do 30% damage. A robot can also be damaged through collisions with walls or other robots. The extend of damage would depend on the angle of collision. A head-on collision between two robots can do 25% damage to both robots. The Scoring System Each robot has a score associated with it. As each battle is fought the robots earn points which are added to it's cumulative score. Every time a robot's program is changed, it's score is reset to 0. Robots earn points in the following manner. during a battle, every time a robot is destroyed, 1 point is earned by all of the survivors. Thus in a five-robot battle, the first to be destroyed receives 0 points. For outlasting that first robot, all other robots on the battlefield earn 1 point. For outlasting 4 other robots, the winner of a 5-robot battle earns 4 points! Controlling Robots A robot computer contains 34 registers. The 34 registers are divided into three categories: 1. Memory registers which are used to contain numbers for latter recall. 2. Input/Output (I/O) registers which are used to monitor and control specific robot functions. 3. The Index/Data pair of registers which are used to access the other registers by their numbers instead of their names. 1. Memory Registers There are 24 memory registers used to store numbers. The memory registers are named A through W and Z. (X and Y are not included - they are input registers as described below). 2. Input/Output Registers There are nine I/O registers that allow the computer to control the robot's actions. Each controls or monitors a specific robot function as described below: a) The X register: The X register is used to monitor the horizontal position of the robot. It always contains the current horizontal position of the robot on the battlefield, as a number from 0 to 256. o is at the extreme left of the battlefield and 256 is at the extreme right. b) The Y register: The y register is used to monitor the vertical position of the robot. 0 is at the top of the battlefield and 256 is at the bottom. c) The AIM Register: The AIM register is used to monitor and control the angle at which the gun is aimed. when a number from 0 to 359 is stored in the Aim register, the robot's gun will turn to that angle. 0 aims the gun due north, 90 aims it due east, etc. The AIM register always contains the current angular position of the gun. d) The RADAR register: The RADAR register is used to control the radar unit on top of the robot and monitor the results of the radar beam. Storing a number from 0 to 359 in the RADAR register, sends a beam out in that direction. e) The SHOT register: The SHOT register is used to fire the robot's gun and monitor the state of readiness of the gun. Storing a new number in the SHOT register: Sets the timer on the shell so that it will travel that number of meters before exploding, and then fires it. After a shot is fired the SHOT register will contain the state of the gun's cooling process. When the SHOT register contains a zero the gun is ready to be fired again. f) The DAMAGE register: The DAMAGE register is used to monitor the amount of damage detected by the damage sensors. the DAMAGE register starts at 100 at the beginning of each battle and decreases towards 0 as damage is incurred. When the register reaches 0, the robot is completely destroyed and will disappear from the battlefield. The DAMAGE register always contains the current extend of damage. g) the SPEEDX register: This register is used to control and monitor the horizontal speed of the robot. The number stored in the SPEEDX register can range from -255 to 255 and controls the direction and speed of the robot. A negative number moves the robot to the left at that many decimeters/second, and a positive number moves the robot to the right at that many decimeters/second. If a zero is stored in this register the robot will stop moving in the horizontal direction. The SPEEDX register always contains the horizontal speed of the robot. h) The SPEEDY register: Acts the same as the SPEEDX register, only in the vertical direction. A positive number is in a downward direction and a negative number is in an upward direction. i) The Random register: This register is used to control the random number generator. Storing a number in the RANDOM register sets the limit for the generator. Then, each time the RANDOM register is accessed, it will contain a different integer (whole number) between 0 and th random number limit which was previously set. [----------------------------------------------------------] | (0,0) (256,0) | | | | | | o | | o 0 o | | 315 | 45 | | o \ |/ o | | 270------.------90 | | o/ |\ o | | 225 | 135 | | | o | | 180 | | | | | | (0,256) (256,256) | [----------------------------------------------------------] 3. The index/Data Registers The robot registers are usually referenced by their names. The Index/Data pair allows registers to be accessed by number instead of name. Storing a number from 0 to 34 in the INDEX register causes the corresponding register to be used whenever the DATA register is referenced. For example, assume the INDEX register contains 27. When the DATA register is referenced in an instruction, register #27 (AIM) will be substituted for DATA. Number Name Type 1-23 A-W Storage 24 X Current X position 25 Y Current Y position 26 Z Storage 27 AIM Aims gun 28 SHOT fires the gun 29 RADAR pulses the radar 30 DAMAGE monitors damage 31 SPEEDX control horizontal speed 32 SPEEDY control vertical speed 33 RANDOM random number generator 34 INDEX Index other registers The Language of Robots The Source Code Robot programs are written in source code and then translated by the assembler into robot-understandable object code. Source code is composed of comments, labels, and instructions. 1. Comments: Comments are used for documenting the source code. Comments can appear anywhere in the program as long as they are preceded by a semi-colon. ] A TO B ;This stores a in b This is an example of a comment on the same line as an instruction. 2. Labels: A label is a reference point used to identify sections within a program. Labels are used in instructions to change the order of execution of the program. A label is composed of a group of 2 or more alpha-numeric characters immediately following a RETURN symbol (]). A label must start with an alpha character (A to Z) and must be less than 32 characters long. A label can not be the same as any of the register names or command words. 3. Instructions Instructions are used to control the robot's micro-computer brain. Instructions may contain register names, command words and numbers (-1024 to +1024) Command words: a) 'TO' stores a value in a register b) 'IF' compares two values and alters program flow. use these conditions: = equal # not equal < less than > greater than c) 'GOTO' jumps to a label in the prog. d) 'GOSUB' calls a subroutine e) 'ENDSUB' returns from a subroutine f) math operators + adds two values - subtracts two values * multiplies two values / divides two values Restrictions: a) no parentheses allowed b) use only integer numbers between +1024 and -1024 c) you must use a condition sign when using an 'IF' d) you may store negative NUMBERS in a register, but you can't store negative REGISTERS in a register. e) all math operations are done from left to right The TO command The TO command is used to store a value in a register. ] 240 TO A This example line of source code causes the computer to load the accumulator with a value of 240 and the store it in the A register. ] B TO A This example causes the computer to load the accumulator with the contents of the B register and then store it in the A register. ] 0 TO SPEEDX TO SPEEDY This example causes the computer to load the accumulator with 0 and store it first in the SPEEDX and register and then in the SPEEDY register. This could be used to stop a robot's movement. NOTE: Negative numbers can be stored as in the following example: ] -240 TO SPEEDX But, you CANNOT store the negative of a register in that manner. For example: ] -B TO A Will NOT store the negative of B in A. To store a negative of a register subtract the register from zero. For example: ] 0 -B TO A Arithmetic commands (+ - * /) Arithmetic operations can be performed on a value stored in the accumulator. Whenever the program encounters one of the arithmetic signs it performs the calculation using the contents of the accumulator and the value that follows. It then stores the results of the calculation in the accumulator. ] 240 + 100 TO A This example loads 240 into the accumulator, adds 100 to it, and stores the result (340) in the A register. The IF command The IF command is used to compare a value with the contents of a register. It can test to see if a register is less than (<), greater than (>), equal to (=), or not equal to (#) a value. If the comparison is true the computer executes the next TO, GOTO, GOSUB or ENDSUB command. If the comparison is false the computer skips the next TO, GOTO, GOSUB or ENDSUB commands. The GOTO command A GOTO command causes the program to change it's sequence of execution by going to a designated label and continuing its execution from there. A GOTO instruction must always be followed by a label. The GOSUB command Another way to change the execution sequence is to use a GOSUB command. A GOSUB instruction is similar to a GOTO command. GOSUB must always be followed by a label. GOSUB will cause the program to go to the designated label and continue the execution until it reaches an ENDSUB. When it encounters the ENDSUB, the program will then return to the next instruction after the GOSUB. Caution: Some illegal statements will be translated by the assembler, but then will do odd things when executed. Programming a Robot In order to make a robot perform, you must construct a program using the RobotWar language and your own strategy. This chapter gives examples of how instructions can be constructed, suing registers. numbers, and commands, and how those instructions can be labeled and sequenced to create program routines. Movement Moving about the battlefield is an action a robot performs. To start a robot moving, store a value in the speedx or speedy register. ] 20 to speedx ] 250 to speedy would start the robot moving down and to the right. However, the robot would continue to move in those directions, and would eventually hit a wall. Therefore, you must stop it at some point, by storing a zero in the speedx and speedy registers. ] 0 to speedx A robot can only accelerate or brake at 40 decimeters/second. Even though 120 is entered into speedx register, it takes 3 seconds of acceleration to obtain that speed. Conversely, if your robot is travelling at 120 decimeters/sec it takes 3 seconds to stop the robot, after storing 0 in the speedx register. A movement routine can be established, by incorporating the starting and stopping procedures into a test loop. ] 256 TO SPEEDX ]MOVER1 ] IF X > 230 GOTO STOP ]STOP ] 0 TO SPEEDX Moves the robot to the right until it's X position is tested to be greater than 230 and then it stops. Monitoring Damage Monitoring damage is vital to a robot's survival. When a robot detects a hit, it usually moves to avoid being repeatedly hit by the enemy. By using the DAMAGE register, a damage detection routine can be established. This routine is usually nested inside another routine's loop so that the robot can be checking for damage while it is performing some other action. ] DAMAGE TO D Saves current damage in register D. ]DAM1 ] IF DAMAGE # D GOTO MOVE When any damage is incurred, the DAMAGE register will change, but register D will not. Therefor, any difference between the two registers will indicate that the robot has been hit. In this example any difference will cause the program to go to the label MOVE. Scanning Another important action a robot performs is scanning. When a robot scans it is using it's radar beams to detect the location of other robots and walls. To emit a radar beam, store a number, between 0 and 359 in the RADAR register. ] 90 TO RADAR Will send a radar beam in the 90-degree direction, and when the beam returns, it's value will be stored in the RADAR register. A routine to determine if the robot has spotted another robot is: ]LOOK ] AIM + 5 TO AIM ] AIM TO RADAR ] IF RADAR < 0 GOTO SHOOT ] GOTO LOOK When the program executes this routine, it first encounters the label LOOK and goes on to the next instruction. This instruction (AIM + 5 TO AIM) increments the angle in which the gun is aimed, five degrees. The next instruction (AIM TO RADAR) aligns the angle of the radar to the angle of the gun, emits a radar beam in that direction, and then stores the results of that beam in the RADAR register. The next instruction (IF RADAR < O GOTO SHOOT) analyzes the results of the radar's findings. If the RADAR register contains a positive number, there are no robots in that direction and the comparison will be false. Since the comparison is false, the next command will be ignored and the program will go on to the next command (GOTO LOOK). This command will cause the program to go to the label LOOK. This completes the loop and the scan routine will continue until a robot is found. If the RADAR register contains a negative number, After the beam returns, the comparison (IF RADAR < 0) will be true. Therefor, the next command (GOTO SHOOT) will be executed. In this case the program sequence would branch to the instruction following the label SHOOT. Shooting It is usual procedure to execute a shooting routine when an enemy is spotted. ]SHOOT ] 0 - RADAR TO SHOT ] GOTO LOOK Is an example of a simple shoot routine. Since a robot has been spotted by radar, a negative number is presently stored in the RADAR register. The enemy robot is that number (ignoring the negative sign) of meters away. In order to obtain a positive number of the distance, the program subtracts RADAR from 0. This new positive number is then stored in the SHOT register. Storing the number in the SHOT register causes the gun to fire a shell that has been set to explode at that distance, in the direction indicated by the contents of the AIM register. Random Number Generation The RANDOM register is used to generate random numbers. A few examples of random number routines are: ] 100 TO RANDOM ] RANDOM TO A This routine stores 100 in the RANDOM register, which sets the limit for the generator. The generator then returns a random number from 0 to 99 and stores it in the RANDOM register. That value is then stored in A by the TO command. From then on each time the contents of the RANDOM register is stored in a register, the generator will return a different number. The limit of the generator will only change when a new value is stored in the RANDOM register by using the TO command. ] B + 1 - A TO RANDOM ] RANDOM + A TO C This routine stores a random number between A and B into the C register. A Sample robot in source code ;SAMPLE ROBOT 'RANDOM' ] 250 TO RANDOM ;INITIALIZE RANDOM -- 250 MAXIMUM ] ]START ] DAMAGE TO D ;SAVE CURRENT DAMAGE ] ]SCAN ] IF DAMAGE # D GOTO MOVE ;TEST -- MOVE IF HURT ] AIM+17 TO AIM ;CHANGE AIM IF OK ] ]SPOT ] AIM TO RADAR ;LINE RADAR WITH LAUNCHER ] IF RADAR>0 GOTO SCAN ;CONTINUE SCAN IF NO ROBOT ] 0-RADAR TO SHOT ;CONVERT RADAR READING TO ]DISTANCE AND FIRE ] GOTO SPOT ;CHECK IF ROBOT STILL THERE ] ]MOVE ] RANDOM TO H ] RANDOM TO V ;PICK RANDOM PLACE TO GO ] ]MOVEX ] H-X*100 TO SPEEDX ;TRAVEL TO NEW X POSITION ] IF H-X>10 GOTO MOVEX ;TEST X POSITION ] IF H-X<-10 GOTO MOVEX ;TEST X POSITION ] 0 TO SPEEDX ;STOP HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT ] ]MOVEY ] V-Y*100 TO SPEEDY ;TRAVEL TO NEW Y POSITION ] IF V-Y>10 GOTO MOVEY ;TEST Y POSITION ] IF V-Y<-10 GOTO MOVEY ;TEST Y POSITION ] 0 TO SPEEDY ;STOP VERTICAL MOVEMENT ] GOTO START ;START SCANNING AGAIN ] Writing and Editing Source Code Robot programs are entered into the computer using a text editor. The text editor may be entered by selecting option 3 from the Main Menu, or by selecting option 6 from the Assembler menu. Text-Editor Procedure When you first enter the text editor, you will see a blank screen with some numbers at the bottom and a flashing square at the top. The numbers at the bottom show the length of the text, and the file name under which it is stored. The flashing square is called the cursor, and is the computer equivalent of a pen for writing characters. As you use the text-editor you will be operating in two modes; the add mode and the cursor mode. The add mode is used to delete text at the cursor, move the cursor around in the text, adjust the position of the text on the screen, load source code files from the catalog, and save source code files to the catalog. The blank screen indicates that the current text-editor file is empty. At this point there are two available options. One option is to begin writing a new source code, and the other option is to edit a robot that has already been stored. Ctrl-A to enter the add mode. The letter "A" will appear in the lower RIGHT corner of the screen. You can now create a new source code file. Esc Esc exits you from the add mode. Ctrl-S to save the file on the disk. The word "SAVE" will appear on the left side of the screen. To save the new robot program you just created you must give it a name. The name can be no longer than 7 characters and must not be the same as any other robot on the disk. Ctrl-L loads a file from the disk. The word "LOAD" will appear on the left side of the screen. Cursor Mode You are now ready to perform the second available option when the text-editor has been loaded, which is editing the source code file. When editing source code you will use the cursor mode to delete text at the cursor, move the cursor around in the text, adjust the position of the text on the screen, load source code files, and save source code files. These functions are described below: 1. Cursor Movement The cursor can be moved to any location in the file by using the five keys on the right side of the keyboard. A) The RETURN key moves the cursor up one line B) The left and right arrow keys. C) The slash (/) key moves the cursor down one line. To move the cursor all the way in any direction on the screen, press the Esc key and then the direction key. Once you have positioned the cursor where you want it, there are several options. Either exit to the add mode, and write some text or stay in the cursor mode and use a cursor function. 2. Moving Text There are also methods of moving the text itself, when in the cursor mode. The direction, in which the text moves, is set by pressing the '+' key (a forward direction) or the '-' key (a backward direction) prior to pressing the L, P, or A keys. A) The L key will move the text up or down one line. B) The P key will move the text up or down one full page. C) The A key will set the text in continuous scrolling motion. You can move to the beginning or end of the text by pressing the Esc key first and then the '-' key or the '+' key respectively. 3. Deleting Text This function deletes text from the screen and the memory if the Apple, but not from the disk. There are three methods of deleting text: A) Ctrl-D Any character may be deleted by positioning the cursor over the character and pressing Ctrl-D. B) Ctrl-G Any line, or portion of a line, may be deleted by positioning the cursor over a character and pressing Ctrl-G. This will delete the character and the rest of the line that follows it. C) Esc Ctrl-Z All of the text, presently in the text-editor may be deleted by pressing Esc and then Ctrl-Z. You will have to confirm the command by pressing the # key. This protects against accidental erasures. 4. Block Operations This function allows you to mark a portion of the current source code, and then manipulate that block to another place in the file. You must designate the beginning and the end of a block by placing block markers at those two points. To insert a block marker immediately after the cursor, press Ctrl-V to mark the beginning and end of th block, and it will be represented on the screen by a flashing ')' sign. Only one block can exist in a file at any one time and any attempt to insert a block mark when a block has already been defined will result in the error message "BLOCK ALREADY MARKED". When a block is marked, press Esc V and the block options will be displayed on the bottom of the screen. They are Copy, Delete, and Unmark. To copy a block, move the cursor to the location in the file where you want to insert the copy of the block and press C. This is a non-destructive copy. To delete a block. Pressing D will remove the block and the block markers from memory. To unmark the block press U. You may also remove markers with normal delete commands. Remember, these changes only exits in the memory and not on the disk. 5. Find Operations Fo find all occurrences of a word or phrase in a file, use the find command. Press Ctrl-F and you will be prompted wit the "FIND:>" message. At this point, type in the word or phrase you wish to locate and press return. The first occurrence of the word or phrase will be displayed in the center of the screen. To find all subsequent occurrences press Ctrl-F and Return. You need not enter the word each time, the search will always begin at the current cursor location and search in the direction that the indicator in the lower left corner of the screen shows. 6. Printing Source Code Files To print the source code on a printer, press Ctrl-P. The screen will prompt you to type in the printer slot number. Once this has been done, and the RETURN key has been pressed, the text will print out. 7. Adding Text Position the cursor to where you want to begin adding text and enter the add mode by pressing Ctrl-A. To return from add mode to cursor mode, press Esc twice. 8. Loading files To load a file into memory which was previously saved on disk press Ctrl-L. The loading operation works similar to loading any other file. 9. Saving Files To save a file on disk, press Ctrl-S. Use the space bar to select the file name from disk, or type one in. Press RETURN when done. 10. Entering the Assembler To save the current robot program and enter the assembler, press Ctrl-R. This will save the text as it appears in the memory on the disk, and then exit the text-editor to the assembler. Before a robot can be assembled, it must have been given a name by being saved to disk. The Assembler The Assembler translates source code programs into robot-understandable object code. It also checks for errors in the source code and displays a message if one is found. The assembler can be entered from the Main Menu by selecting option 2, or from the editor by pressing Ctrl-R. If the assembler is entered from the editor, a robot source program is loaded and ready to assemble. It is possible to assemble a robot from source code on the disk, or load an assembled robot from disk to test. There is also an option to print the assembled robot on the printer. Assembly Errors There are eight errors that the RobotWar assembler can detect. When the assembler detects an error it will display a message such as: NO DATA FIELD IN LINE 27 10 + TO C ^ The error message indicates the type of error, the program line number and the position in the line (^) where it occurred. Following are the possible error messages: 1. NO DATA FIELD - There is no register or number after a command. 2. UNKNOWN ITEM - You have tried to use a register or a label that is not defined. 3. LARGE NUMBER - You have tried to store a number greater than 1,024, or less than -1,024 into a register. 4. PROGRAM TOO LONG - Program is too big for the allotted program storage area. Programs have a maximum length of 256 object code instructions. 5. FATAL JUNK - You have included something that the computer cannot understand, like an illegal statement. 6. STORE IN NUMBER - You have tried to store a value in a number instead of a register. 7. RESERVED LABEL - You have tried to use a register name as a label. 8. NO PROGRAM CODE - There are no instructions in the program. Object Code Exercise The following pages list the object code's commands and registers and the translation of the sample robot's source code. Using the list and the two codes for the sample robot, compare and identify the source code and it's object code translation. It will be very useful to understand the object code when learning to use the test bench in the next chapter. List of Object Code Instructions Instruction Action , Load accumulator with next data item IF Load accumulator with next data item + Add next data item to accumulator - Subtract next data item from accumulator * Multiply accumulator by next data item / divide accumulator by next data item = Skips the next command unless the accumulator is equal to next data item > Skips the next command unless the accumulator is greater than the next data item < Skips the next command unless the accumulator is less than next data item # Skips the next command if the accumulator is equal to next data item TO Store accumulator in next dat item GOTO Branch to the address given GOSUB GOSUB to the address give ENDSUB REturn from a subroutine Assembly of Robot Sample Code Building ==== ======== SCAN 0 , AIM 1 + 5 2 TO AIM 3 , AIM 4 TO RADAR LOOP 5 IF RADAR 6 < 0 7 GOSUB FIRE 8 GOTO SCAN FIRE 9 , 0 10 - RADAR 11 TO SHOT 12 ENDSUB Code Statistics === ========== 140 Letters 13 Instructions 3 Labels 2 References The Test Bench The test bench is a micro-computer simulator of a robot. With the test bench, you can monitor a robot's performance without actually putting it on the battlefield. This simulator will prove an important device, as you learn to debug robots, because it allows you to monitor the object code and the contents of the registers. Load a robot into the test bench by selecting option 2 from the assembler menu or from the main menu. Operating the Test Bench As the test bench runs the program, each instruction (in object code) will appear on the left side of the screen as it is executed. On the right side of the screen are displayed the robot's position and register contents. Also shown are the instruction number being executed (program counter) and the accumulator. Controlling the Test Bench The test bench can be interrupted by pressing the space bar. Press the space bar again to execute one more instruction. This can be useful when analyzing a program to see if it is acting as you had planned. Pressing RETURN will start the test bench running again. To change the speed of the test bench, press a number from 0 to 9. Simulating Radar Pressing the R key will cause the radar display to light up and the RADAR register will display a negative number to simulate an enemy robot in view. This will allow your program to go into it's "enemy spotted" routine. Simulating Damage Each time the G key is pressed, a random amount, up to 10% will be subtracted from the DAMAGE register. This allows th program the opportunity to use it's damage detection routine. The DAMAGE register will also indicate damage if the simulated robot crashes into a wall. The test bench will automatically stop when the DAMAGE register reaches 0. Tracing Registers The trace is used to check the contents of registers not normally displayed on the test bench. Press the T key to access the tracer. The test bench will stop, and the following question will be displayed: "NAME REGISTER TO TRACE?" Enter the name of the register you want to trace and press RETURN. The test bench will continue, with the contents of the traced register displayed on the line above "X POSITION". The Esc key will exit from the test bench. Storing Robots There is a limited amount of space on the RobotWar disk to store robot files. However, robot files can be transferred to and from auxiliary storage disks. Auxiliary storage disks are used only to store robot files. Robot files on auxiliary disks must be transferred back to the RobotWar program disk before they can be tested, assembled, edited, or battled. There is a utility in the menu to initialize a data disk. Only disks initialized by RobotWar can be used as data disks. To save or load a robot to or from a data disk simply remove the RobotWar disk after entering the robot name and before pressing return. After the file is loaded, swap the disks back again before continuing with the program. To delete a robot from a disk, exit to basic, and delete the file with the DOS 3.3 command DELETE filename and press RETURN. When done, enter PR#6 to re-start RobotWar. Summary of Editor Keys Cursor Mode: Moving keys + Set forward direction - Set backward direction Esc + Move to end of text Esc - Move to beginning of text A Sets text in continuous scrolling motion RETURN Move cursor up one line Esc RETURN Move cursor to top of page / Move cursor one line down Esc / Move cursor to bottom of page <- Move one space left -> Move one space right Esc -> Move cursor to right end of line Esc <- Move cursor to left margin P Move up or down one full page L Move text up or down one line Text deleting keys Ctrl-D Delete the character at the cursor Ctrl-G Delete the line at the cursor Esc Ctrl-Z Delete the whole file File handling keys Ctrl-L Clear memory and load a source file Ctrl-S Save text as a source file Ctrl-R Save current file and enters assembler Control keys Esc Ctrl-Q Exits to main menu Ctrl-F Executes FIND operation Ctrl-P Prints file in memory Ctrl-V Places block marker at cursor Esc-V Displays block options C-Copy block D-Delete block U-Remove block markers Add Mode Text adding keys Ctrl-A Start adding text Esc Esc Stop adding text <- Backspace, erases as it goes -> Moves text to the right RETURN Acts as a carriage return From the Assembler Space Bar Stop the assembler or move it one step RETURN Start the assembler operating again 0-9 Adjust the speed at which the assembler is scrolling From the Test Bench RETURN Start the assembler operating again 0-9 Adjust the speed at which the assembler is scrolling R Simulate Radar G Simulate a shell hit T Trace a Register Esc Exit the test bench the DOS 3.3 command DELETE filename and press RETURN. When done, enter PR#6 to re-start RobotWar. Summary of Editor Keys Cursor Mode: Moving keys + Set forward direction - Set backward direct