TALISMAN general Information
Unix server
The usual name of a directory containing runnable programs, possibly derived from the term binary or simply the english word denoting a container. See searchpath.
The name extension applied to all hosts within a given DNS (Domain Name Service) hierarchy of Internet hosts. For example, the full hostname www.origin.ea.com refers to a machine named www within the domain origin.ea.com, which is itself within the domain ea.com, and is considered a subdomain thereof.
The directory structure created on one disk partition or equivalent. Other filesystems may be mounted upon directories within an existing filesystem. Accesses to such directory then refer to the other mounted filesystems. May also refer to an illusory filesystem managed by a fileserver to represent hierarchic data. Nested mounting is valid, and may be carried to amazing lengths.
Usually refers to a user's home directory, the pathname to which is the value of the environment variable named HOME. In descendents of the csh, this value can be implied by the tilde character, ~, in a process called tilde-expansion. The home directory is the default work area for a user, contains most user-specific customization files, and is the default target of the cd command.
The name used to identify a particular instance of machine, and used to distinguish it from all other hosts in the world. Usually maps to one or more Internet addresses, and a host may have additional hostnames.
The usual name of a directory containing compilation or runtime program libraries, generally in structured machine language archives. See searchpath.
The usual name of a directory containing online documentation in the form of manual pages. See searchpath.
The name of a file, possibly starting with a sequence of directory names separated by slashes "/", and possibly starting from the root directory of the filesystem, meaning that the pathname would itself start with a slash "/" (this latter could be called a "root-", "full-", or "absolute-" pathname, interchangably).
The name of a pod, a directory which should contain one or more of the following directories which may be automatically sought for inclusion in the appropriate searchpaths at sites supporting this abstraction: bin, man, lib, src.
The usual name of a directory containing source code.
A list of directories which are searched in preparation for some action. The searchpath is generally set in an environment variable, so once it is set, all subprocesses spawned will inherit the same searchpaths. Examples:
the searchpath for commands
the searchpath for manual pages
the searchpath for changing directories
the searchpath for dynamic libraries
The usual name of a directory containing temporary information. Most such directories are generally purged of older files automatically by the system on a periodic basis. Many are also purged on reboots.
The account name customarily used by a user to login to a computer.
The name of a data volume. While similar to pods, volumes are not automatically search for subdirectories
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