The ROW element

Permitted Context: ARRAY
Content Model: one or more ITEMs

The <ROW> element is used for rows of items within the ARRAY element. It has no permitted attributes. The end tag </ROW> can always be left out.

The ITEM element

Permitted Context: ROW
Content Model: %math

The <ITEM> element is used for items within a row of the ARRAY element. The end tag </ITEM> can always be left out.

Permitted Attributes for ITEM

By default expressions in items are centered horizontally. This can be altered by the COLDEF attribute on the parent ARRAY element, and overridden on a per item basis with the ALIGN attribute. The permitted values are: LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT.
This can be used to provide a single item which spans several columns. The attribute value is a positive integer and defaults to one.
This can be used to provide a single item which spans several rows. The attribute value is a positive integer and defaults to one. It can be used together with the COLSPAN attribute.