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glIndexMask: control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers.

C Specification | Parameters | Description | Errors | Associated Gets | See Also

[Up] C Specification

void glIndexMask(
    GLuint	 mask)

[Up] Parameters

Specifies a bit mask to enable and disable the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers. Initially, the mask is all 1s.

[Up] Description

glIndexMask controls the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers. The least significant n bits of mask, where n is the number of bits in a color index buffer, specify a mask. Where a 1 (one) appears in the mask, it's possible to write to the corresponding bit in the color index buffer (or buffers). Where a 0 (zero) appears, the corresponding bit is write-protected.

This mask is used only in color index mode, and it affects only the buffers currently selected for writing (see glDrawBuffer). Initially, all bits are enabled for writing.

[Up] Errors

[Up] Associated Gets

glGet with argument GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK

[Up] See Also


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