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glPixelZoom: specify the pixel zoom factors.

C Specification | Parameters | Description | Errors | Associated Gets | See Also

[Up] C Specification

void glPixelZoom(
    GLfloat	 xfactor,
    GLfloat	 yfactor)

[Up] Parameters

xfactor, yfactor
Specify the x and y zoom factors for pixel write operations.

[Up] Description

glPixelZoom specifies values for the x and y zoom factors. During the execution of glDrawPixels or glCopyPixels, if (xr, yr) is the current raster position, and a given element is in the mth row and nth column of the pixel rectangle, then pixels whose centers are in the rectangle with corners at

(xr + n ·xfactor, yr + m ·yfactor)
(xr + (n+1) ·xfactor, yr + (m+1) ·yfactor)

are candidates for replacement. Any pixel whose center lies on the bottom or left edge of this rectangular region is also modified.

Pixel zoom factors are not limited to positive values. Negative zoom factors reflect the resulting image about the current raster position.

[Up] Errors

[Up] Associated Gets

glGet with argument GL_ZOOM_X
glGet with argument GL_ZOOM_Y

[Up] See Also


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