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# FSF alias database 14-May-92
# (Unfunny aliases and comments removed)


# Someone actually complained that they couldn't mail to talk_daemon... -mib
talk_daemon:	root

# `sync' is a pun, see?  data SYNC?  get it?  sigh...some people are so lame.
nobody:	/dev/null
sync:	nobody


# FSF Aliases
# ...
# Please precede each (logical) mailing list with a comment describing
# its purpose.  Precede illogical mailing lists with a derisive comment.


# Gnu bulletin editors (mainly for editors' inconvenience, not meant as
# an external mailing list --friedman)
bull-edit:	friedman, bob, tower, melissa, lord, bson


# mysterious list of great purpose
gnu-hacks:	rms, roland, mib, tower, friedman, mycroft, bson, lord, rogue, jla


# Melissa's idea :-)
fsf-disgust:	fsf-disc


# Yeah, right.  - mycroft
# I suspect Charles is not familiar with the original
#  Committee for Public Safety during the French Revolution...
committee-for-public-safety:	fsf-mgt


# These are paid technical consultants.
# I'm confused about the distinction.  What's the difference? --friedman
# Consultants are not categorized as ``common law employees'', which means:
#  they do not have income tax withheld;
#  they pay fica tax themselves, at the total ~16% rate;
#  they are ineligble for tax-preference benefit plans (pension, health)
#  they are self-employed, and get business preferences of other sorts.
#		-mib


# Myserious list.  Ask mycroft before adding anyone (including yourself).
# What does "myserious" mean?  -mew
# Maybe it's a pun on "misery".  - mycroft
# Maybe it was meant as a pun on "my serious" list as opposed to "my
# non-serious" list..  And "mycroft", as opposed to "yourcroft"? -mew
# I don't know; seems kind of crufty to me... -mib
# Actually, it's rather crafty.  - mycroft
arn-oper:	:include:/com/mailer/arn-oper
arn-oper-request:	mycroft
owner-arn-oper:	mycroft


# Join the "I am not a 'I am not a bozo!' bozo" club
bozos: friedman, kibo, cgw, tami, gmlwltoi, mib, jimb


# gratuitous comment.

# obligatory
#  (which is of course a word antonymic to `gratuitous'.)
# (Is there an obligatory-mailing-list-with-len-tower-on-it? -mew)
# There is now.  -mib
# Oooooh, neato! -mew
gratuitous-mailing-list-with-len-tower-on-it:	tower, friedman
gmlwltoi:	gratuitous-mailing-list-with-len-tower-on-it


# mass-people:  a private list
# Is this for overweight people?  Oops, I mean "people of mass".
#   Or perhaps "gravitationally challenged".  "Alternately girthed?". -mib
#mass-people:            :include:/com/mailer/mass-people
#owner-mass-people:	XX
#mass-people-request:	XX
#before uncommenting the previous three lines, please replace XX with
# a valid address for the list's maintainter.  thanx!


# reset
nosy-psychotic-girlfriends-who-read-the-aliases-file:	roland, jimb, gmlwltoi
owner-nosy-psychotic-girlfriends-who-read-the-aliases-file:	roland
nosy-psychotic-girlfriends-who-read-the-aliases-file-request:	roland

# o

# gratuitous
# redundant excessivity.
obligatory-mailing-list-with-len-tower-on-it:	tower


# don't ask.
# I've decided that I belong on this list, but its name is insufficiently
# inclusive.  Therefore, I have unilaterally exercised my control of mail
# and changed its name.  So there. -mib
# now, is this for people who think they have, or *are* a p-b-s-g?  just 
# trying to figure this out.. I could qualify.. -mew
# It's for people who  *have* such.  -mib
# I didn't know you had a psychotic bf, mib. 
# Indeed I do.  Sigh.  Incidentally, who wrote the preceding line? -mib
# Okay, I'm in..  -mew
# Now, of course, I've got to decide if *I* belong on this list ....
#    -- randy
psychotic-boy-slash-girlfriend:		roland, jimb, mib, mew, gmlwltoi
owner-psychotic-boy-slash-girlfriend:	roland
psychotic-boy-slash-girlfriend-request:	roland


# village idiot list
village-idiot:	zippy
village-idiot-request:	zippy
owner-village-idiot:	nobody

# village library list
village-library:	village@asylum.sf.ca.us,
village-library-request:	zelig
owner-village-library:		zelig
vlibrary:			village-library
vlib:				village-library


# Temporary list of no importance.  Talk to mycroft before fiddling.
# Oh, what a violin comment that one was! -mew
# We'll have to string you up for that one.  --friedman
# (Yes, added between comments) oh, I'm quivering... -mew
# Bow knows puns.  --friedman
# (Yes, added between comments.. wow, it applies here too! :-} ) Oh, I'm
# quivering, again!... -mew
# Stop talking about noses, pinocchio.  -mib
# So, for a temporary list, this one has been around for a while..  -mew
# I don't know, I think it's kind of square.  -mib
xcd-dist:	:include:/com/mailer/xcd-dist
owner-xcd-dist:	mycroft

# y

# Yet another gratuitous comment.
# Yikes.  sigh..
# You know, this may just go a bit *too* far someday.. :-} -mew
# You think so?  
# Yutzes, all.  The preceding comments are incorrectly alphebetized.  This 
#    one, however, is in its proper place. -mib
# Yukon go to hell.  :-)   -friedman
# Yule regret that remark.  :-)  -jimb
# Yurts can be very warm at times.  -mib
# Yus'm, I doooo declare, I agree. -mew 
# Yuck. -mib
# Yuz otta seekenz, Mahk.  - mycroft
# You have confused me with the preceding line... -mib
# Yes, I think we've definitely gotten carried away.  --friedman
# Yow!  I've been kidnapped.  (You know, "carried away"...) -mib

# For discussions of Mongolian housing
yurts: :include:/com/mailer/yurts
owner-yurts: mib
yurts-request: mib


this-points-at-mib: mib
this-points-elsewhere: sync


# for gnu emacs lovers with autoloaded overactive libidos:
# if the funky eval gets added back, please make it the very last item
# before the "# end:".  
# "localvariables:" after it aren't evaluated when one C-g's.
# Version control is exceedingly useful for the aliases file;
# please don't turn it off.	-mib
# Please don't delete the cute hacks.  We like them and they're there
# intentionally.  --friedman
# So there.  Nyaaahhh.  -mib
# Well, they definitely have their own place in this file.. -mew
# Yes, at the end, like all local variables. Hmm...  -mib
# You people are really inane.
# local variables:
# eval: (auto-fill-mode 0)
# eval: (set-syntax-table (copy-syntax-table (syntax-table)))
# eval: (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".")
# compile-command: "/usr/local/etc/checkaliases -a /com/mailer/aliases"
# indent-line-function: indent-relative-maybe
# backup-by-copying: t
# eval: (while (y-or-n-p "Maybe? ") (progn (message "Invalid response.") (sleep-for 1)))
# eval: (if (string= "roland" (user-login-name)) (message "Roland is red."))
# eval: (if (string= "mib" (user-login-name)) (message "Mib is a twit."))
# eval: (if (string= "roland" (user-login-name)) (progn (display-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Roland is permanently red.*")) (setq *orig-kill-buffer* (symbol-function 'kill-buffer)) (defun kill-buffer (arg) (interactive "bKill buffer: ") (let ((killing (if (bufferp arg) arg (get-buffer arg)))) (if (eq killing (get-buffer "*Roland is permanently red.*")) (error "Attempt to delete permanent buffer: %s" killing) (funcall *orig-kill-buffer* arg))))))
# eval: (if (not (member (user-login-name) '("friedman" "roland" "mib" "melissa"))) (call-process "csh" nil 0 nil "-c" "if ($?DISPLAY) nohup xv -p /com/mailer/tower.pgm &; exit"))
# eval: (setq gzpl* (current-buffer))
# eval: (if (string= "mib" (user-login-name)) (progn (or (fboundp 'real-newline) (fset 'real-newline (symbol-function 'newline))) (or (fboundp 'flame) (load "flame" t t)) (defun newline (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (prog1 (real-newline arg) (if (eq (current-buffer) gzpl*) (insert "# " (sentence-ify (string-ify (append-suffixes-hack (flatten (*flame))))) " -mib\n"))))))
# end:
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